I love houses. I love the way they are built. I love the variety of house designs and styles. I love the way I can look at a house a hundred times, then look again and see something that surprises me. ![]() Whether you are buying or building, or just love house design, welcome to my home. Step inside my little web-kitchen and enjoy some house talk with me. I’d offer you a cup of coffee, but this is a virtual world, so instead let me offer you a cup of house design conversation. Click on the links below to start learning more about houses and house design. When you find something you like, be sure to leave your comments, so we can continue our conversation. |
Uncertain what type of house you are looking at? Tired of not knowing one house style from another?
Let me tell you a story. Years ago I was looking to buy my first house. One source I liked to peruse was a free monthly magazine showing all the local homes for sale. You know the type. You probably have one now. I was poor and just this side of broke, so everything in budget was small. And it seemed like everything I looked at was called a “Cape Cod”. But they didn’t look anything alike. As I suspected; you do know what I am talking about. Well, I got tired of not knowing what-was-what and having to take some real estate agent’s word for it so I did some research on house design. I put all this together in the section that I call House Styles, so that you can learn and enjoy. And by-the-way, they weren’t all Cape Cods. Very few, in fact. |
Good house design involves more than just assembling the various parts of the house, but it is important to understand how the various parts contribute to the overall design. Getting the parts wrong can ruin the effect of the total design. This section looks at the various parts of the house. We consider design and function, how the parts contribute to the total look, but also how they contribute to make a home safe, solid and secure. This section will always be under construction as month-after-month we add new information. What you see now will change, so come back often. |
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