Kellogg Farmhouse

by Megan DeLeeuw
(Sharon Township, MI)

Oliver Kellogg Greek Revival Home

Oliver Kellogg Greek Revival Home

We live in a classic Greek Revival gable front/temple house built between 1832-1856. It was built by Oliver Kellogg during this time. The house is located in Sharon township, on Pleasant Lake rd and Meyers.

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Mar 05, 2016
by: Joffre

What a great house! A lot of Greek Revival homes are really simple homes. They let the pediment and columns do all the heavy work. Meanwhile, back behind the scenes is a simple rectangular home.

The Kellogg home is one of these. It has the classic Greek proportions, and those imposing columns, but it doesn't let the rest of the house try and compete with the statement the facade makes.

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